December 29, 2010 Daniel Vovak's public statement on his Stage IV cancer
UPDATED: December 29, 2010; December 26, 2010
Dear friends, Republicans, and Marylanders:
For the last two weeks, I have had the rare privilege to be overwhelmingly loved by family and friends and to receive perfect care from the staff at Johns Hopkins/Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. Shortly before Thanksgiving and through the weekend of the Maryland Republican Convention earlier this month, I experienced increased abdominal pain. I have since learned that I have an aggressive, but yet-to-be-specifically-diagnosed, Stage IV cancer.
Thankfully, my family and Alison have remained at my side, even as my dog, Newton, anxiously awaits my return. I anticipate not returning home for at least a month, though still before the 450 daffodils I planted (just three weeks ago) bloom in the spring. In the meanwhile, I ask that you pray for me and be more open with your loved ones, since I have learned there is no advantage to delaying kind words.
At this time (to preserve my strength), I request no phone calls, flowers, or visitors. Correspondence should be directed to Daniel Vovak through email at or to Daniel Vovak, Suburban Hospital. 8600 Old Georgetown Road. Room 3104. Bethesda, Maryland 20814. I will respond to correspondence when I am able, or as there are developments. May God bless us all!
Daniel Vovak, 38, is a ghostwriter, producer of The Blue Dress (a comedy about Bill & Monica), and an elected, at-large member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee. He is also the editor of Montgomery County Daily, a blog about Montgomery County, Maryland.
Thank you for the prayers! I am living much better now.