Thursday, December 16, 2010

Maryland Conservatives Should Attend CPAC 2011

CPAC 2011 is just a short way off, February 10 – 12 in Washington, DC at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.  I will be in attendance and I encourage all the folks in Maryland that are Conservatives attend.  We in Maryland just elected the first Conservative Party Chairman in my lifetime I know it is also true for many who attended last week’s State Party Convention in Annapolis.
CPAC is a place where we Conservatives can network with other Conservatives.  We will need help from Conservatives from across the nation as the MD Legislature takes up their radical agenda.  We will need help from our allies to keep MD Legislators feet to the fire.  We will be able to call on them to donate to hold the line on Liberal Expansion in Maryland. 
We as Conservatives drew a line, when Maryland County Central Committee members whom, overwhelmingly cast their votes for Alex Mooney, on both ballots last Saturday.  We now as grass roots conservatives need to attend CPAC so we can learn from other Conservatives on how to build up, our grass roots organizations which are lacking in Maryland. 
 In addition to CPAC we should also sign up for Leadership Institute schools, so that we can learn how to maximize the power of Fundraising and new media.  We will need to do both to win the battles that are yet to come in Maryland.

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